Exams are over

My exam period is over and now I have like two months of break until new exam period (because I failed some exams, I need to catch up to them in the next period, shit, but what can I do, at least I'm not failing the whole school year :P)....

I need to finish with my Budapest story and it's not that special, to be honest, but I would like to finish it because I've already started, and I need to announce my new trip to some other country very soon, and I'm going there for a holiday with my friends, something similar as two years ago, but still a slightly different... I'm going there again with David and two more friends, but the huge difference is that David knows about me, so he'll be my support and cover-up if someone suspects something. And I also plan to go and find some gay club, to see what is going on there.

See ya soon with the new posts, thanks for following and for being there with me all this time. I also need to write about a new disappointment with some guy I met online.



  1. Hey there! It's certainly been a while. I hope you're doing well!!

  2. Yeah... Good to hear your news!!

    You write cute and with your heart,
    we can't hug you, or help you, or barely support you.
    But we send all the best wishes ever, and it is so great to hear news of you!! :D


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