
Showing posts from August, 2010

Two Month Update

It's been a long time. So much to tell you, so much to write and so much to relive again. I won't explain why I didn't write in such a long time, and it really doesn't matter, now I wish only to update my readers and this blog with my life and everything what happened during the period while I wasn't writing... First things first, I wish to inform you that I'm still happy and that I'm still in a relationship with Mike. We are now almost three months together and it's been happy and the most amazing three months of my life... And I really mean this. Second most important thing is that I finally found myself, considering sexuality, and now I openly can say that I'm a happy gay man and I'm PROUD of that, more than you can imagine. I thought that I'm bisexual cause in my country I've been taught that homosexuality is wrong, and it's not that accepted here, so for my brain and for me it was easier to accept me as a bisexual man, but afte