Budapest - Day 5 - Monday, February 7th

Woke up early, went immediately to that hostel and talked with very cute receptionist (she’s a girl btw) and booked a bed. She showed me a room and hostel and I told her that I will bring my stuff during a day. Also, great thing that happened to me was the text I got from a guy who was my boss for a short while, because I went to Budapest asking for some jobs while I’m there. The guy owns some hostel to which I have sent an e-mail asking for a job. He called me to come for an interview. After meal, I was heading straight there to that hostel.

The interview and the ho(s)tel was awesome, the guy even offered me an ‘almost’ free accommodation and I was eager to start working. The salary wasn’t that good but it kinda helped me for a few days. To be honest, I wasn’t that much into job anymore because I kinda got relaxed during my stay at Den’s place and I chatted a lot with Chris and I changed my mind about leaving university, I realized how important education is and no matter how much your university sucks. I worked at that hostel for 2 days and I got some cleaning/hotel experience which is still great. My first day was on 8th of February and I quit job on Thursday and you’ll see why.

After the interview and booking the room I returned to Den’s and packed my stuff and moved them slowly to the hostel. Later, I met again with Den for the last time. He took me to the cinema (for free because he works there) and he took free tickets, some popcorns and we watched “From Paris with Love” and it was really good movie. Somewhere at the middle of the movie, I thought about my education, my future plans and maybe in that moment I decided to go back home and finish my education. It was good, I enjoyed a lot in whole trip, Den’s company and I saw again the hot guy from the party, who I liked. He also works in the cinema, as Den, and that’s how they know each other. I said ‘hi’ to him and he recognized me.

Later, after going back from the cinema and entering metro, Den and me talked and I said ‘thanks’ for everything he did for me and told him that I’m so amazed by him and that he’s a great guy, which is true and he said goodbye in the metro, when he needed to get off (at the station where I lived for the last 4 days). I was smiling because I was glad I met him and he made me feel okay, dunny why, and I didn’t have crush on him, he’s very good person and I’m glad I met him. When I got back to the hostel, it was knda weird, because I have never stayed in a hostel.

I forgot to mention that I met a guy from Canada, we’ll name him Tom, he’s a musician-traveller and he was in Budapest for a month and he’s an alcoholic. In the beginning I didn’t pay much attention to this, but later I felt so sad for him, but again, on the other hand, after one situation, I realized that he’s maybe even more complicated than he looks.

Also, I met two girls from Canada and three people from Barcelona. That night, I talked with one Spanish guy until 5 AM and we had a great talk about everyday stuff, life, books, and I enjoyed his company so much.
I went to bed early/late (depends how you look at it) and it was weird but in the same time great experience, because I shared my room with six other unknown people. Everyone was snoring, breathing, sleeping and somehow, I don’t know how, I fell asleep.


  1. Sounds like you met lots of interesting people in Budapest. :-)

  2. Wow B that was a lot to catch up on; my Google blogger messed up and I lost your blog for a while. I think you have made the mistake of letting personal life drama interfere with your education. I comment on some other young gay blogs and I always try to impress on them the importance of placing their education as top priority even if it means some sacrifices in their personal life. Some adverse life experiences will make you stronger and smarter, and there are still some wonderful possibilities for you. Be sure to make amends with your family cos they are probably worried about you and get back in university again and make up the credits you missed. A secure career with good pay will give you freedom and personal power, allowing you to live your life on your terms. Keep the sexuality thing in the background and focus on the long-term. Maybe while in university you can find that compatible guy who will not play head games and be a loyal friend and lover. Be sure to let us know how your are making out! bfn - Wayne (big hugs!)


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