Ask Me Anything January 2011

Did you start writing your blog in your mother language? nd btw, what will it be about?

Yes I did. I have bought .com domain and I even started blogging. For now, I’m blogging about regular stuff, music, movies, books, my thoughts and stuff like that, but I also plan to blog about gay stuff, gay life and gay culture here in my country. And I will try to write without fear, I’m still anonymous and I will remain like that until I decide opposite. It looks like a nice blog and I really like it. I got some first visitors. Also the plan is to make people come to blog on regular basis, I mean, I won’t mention gay stuff until I have a lot of visits, and then I will “shock” them and I will tell the whole truth about gay society, about our society and everything I find interesting. Maybe one day I will link it to this blog, I would really like that. We’ll see. Thanks for asking. Also, interesting fact is that I have found few gay blogs in my mother tongue... They are kinda nice, and I'm reading them.

Don't you feel a bit confused ab being gay and hearing (i guess) usually from ur parents questions like"why don't you have girlfriend?" (Did they ask you if you are gay?)

Lol, this question was asked before I told you that I came out to my parents, and to tell you the truth, while I was in relationship with Mike and before I told them about me, I had told my parents that I’m in relationship with some girl, so I could go out whenever I wanted and stuff like that. Also, I’m not that open to my parents and I was always closed kid, so they are used to the fact and they didn’t ever ask me that, until one day I told them I have a “girlfriend” meaning “boyfriend”. Later they found out everything.

What place would you like to visit in Europe?

I visited a lot places in Europe, but I have never been to United Kingdom, Sweden or Spain and that’s the places I would like to visit one day, and I will for sure. Maybe that will happen soon.

Did you meet any new gay-guys?

I met only one guy one month ago. He was my last hope. I went on a date with him to see am I ready, and I saw I am not. The interesting fact is that this guy, who we will name George, is going to the same faculty with David, my best friend from childhood. We become nice friends with him, went on parties few times and talk a lot online, he’s a good guy, but I’m not attracted to him, even though he’s cute, and kinda he’s bit immature for me, that’s why I don’t want to have anything with him. I told him honestly what I think, as I always do to people and we are friends now, and it really starts to be good friendship. Also, I can’t get Mike out of my head… And I wonder will I ever. Seems impossible, and I know that what I felt for Mike is hard to repeat again.

Thanks for asking... Ask Me Anything


  1. awww you'll find someone way better :D

  2. Eventually you will feel better....but how soon will this 'eventually' come I don't know...nobody does!


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